Our Charities
We try to share God’s love for the world by sharing what we have – money, goods, time and talents. Our support for charities includes Christian Aid, Tearfund, Operation Christmas Child, Ivy Bridge Foodbank, The Children’s Society and our local homelessness charity, SPEAR.
This year, we nominated three particular charities on which to focus our fundraising and volunteering – The Children's Society, SPEAR and Tearfund – reflecting both international and local needs.

The Children's Society
The Children's Society is a national charity that works with the country's most vulnerable children and young people. We listen. We support. We act. Because no child should feel alone. www.childrenssociety.org.uk

SPEAR works with homeless people in and around Richmond, helping them to find secure accommodation and work towards a positive future. www.spearlondon.org

Tearfund is an international relief and development charity, working in partnership with Christian agencies and churches worldwide to tackle the causes and effects of poverty. www.tearfund.org