Life Events
If you are considering baptism (sometimes called Christening) for yourself or your children we'd be delighted to welcome you. You are eligible for baptism here if you either live in the parish or regularly worship at All Hallows.
If you wish to discuss this please email for more information.
If you are an adult who would like to be baptised or confirmed or you have a child you would like to be baptised please complete the form by clicking one of the followingn links.
Adult Baptism / Confirmation application Child Baptism application
Confirmation is a special church service in which a person confirms the promises that were made when they were baptized. As a young person or adult, you may be ready to affirm these promises for yourself and commit your life to following Jesus Christ. At a confirmation service, you make these promises for yourself. Your friends and family as well as the local Christian community will be there to promise to support and pray for you.
The local bishop will lay their hands on your head and ask God’s Holy Spirit to give you the strength and commitment to live God’s way for the rest of your life.
This year the Bishop of Kensington, the Rt Revd Dr Emmma Ineson will Confirm candidates on Sunday 13th October during our 10am Mass
If you are considering that this is the right next step for you pease email to arrange a meeting to discuss what this means for you.
If you are interested in having your marriage ceremony at All Hallows we would be delighted to talk with you. You are legally allowed to be married in this church if you regularly worship at the church or if one of you is resident in the parish (check this here). There are also a number of other 'qualifying connections' which you can check here.
If you meet the Legal Requirements, email with the following information, so that we can arrange an initial meeting with the vicar to discuss your plans:
Full names and address or addresses of both parties (including postcode).
Brief detail of your qualifying connection if you are not a parish resident.
Contact telephone number (and e-mail if possible).
Whether either of you has been married before.
Whether you are both UK citizens (if not, give details of your citizenship).
If you are not eligible to be married in this church at the moment you will probably want to approach your own parish church or one with which you have one of the qualifying connections. If however you are still keen to link with us here atAll Hallows we’d be delighted to welcome you at one of our 10am Sunday services, so that you can decide whether you would like to begin to attend regularly (you’d need to be able to attend approximately fortnightly for at least six months before the banns are read in order to meet the legal criteria). Do introduce yourself to the vicar when you come along, or let us know if you have further queries.
If someone you know and love has died, a funeral led by a Church of England minister can be held in church, by a graveside or at a crematorium. The vicar will support you every step of the way.
Funeral requests usually come via a Funeral Director who will ask you what service you would like to have and if you have a particular church or a minister would you would like to take the service. The will usually contac the vicar on your behalf but do drop Fr Kevin an email if you would like to speak with him directly. He can be contacted by email on vicar@allhallowstwick.or or you can call the parish office on 020 8241 2345
Our Weekly Services

8.30am Holy Communion once a month.
Said service following the Book of Common Prayer. A smaller, quiet reflective service.

10.00am Parish Communion
The main service of the week using the Church of England's modern language service. Choir, traditional hymns, organ and concluding with organ voluntary.

9.30am Holy Communion
11.30am every LAST Wednesday of the month
Said service using modern language with short address
Special Services are held at Easter and Christmas - the times will be shown on this web site.
Other special occaions for the church are the Summer Festival services normally held in June, and the Remembrance Services held at the end of October and Early November. Details will be advertised here and elsewhere each year. Incense may be used during services on special occasions.
Daily Prayers are said in the church on weekdays at 9am. All are welcome to attend, whether dropping by before work, or to give yourself time out at your own time of need.
Private Prayer The chapel and church are available for private prayer however sadly we often need to keep the church locked. The parish office is open every other morning and most afternoons - see Office Hours and staff will always unlock the church if you wish to visit. If you wish to light a candle, the church has a votive stand and there are prayer cards available. The blessed sacrament is reserved in the chapel and your prayers may also be offered before the statue of Mary at the back of the church.