Welcome to All Hallows Twickenham
Regular weekly services will be held as follows
SUNDAY 10.00 am Mass
Sunday School will be generally be held on the 3rd Sunday of the month.
(Next Sunday School 16th March)
WEDNESDAY 9.30 am Said Mass
Please note that the morning mass will be at 11.30 am on 19th March
Sunday 23rd March
3rd Sunday of Lent

Sunday 30th March
Mothering Sunday
Wednesday 16th April- Lunch Club 12.30 pm £4
Please book a place by emailing sue.hoad@allhallowstwick.org.uk
or sign up at the back of church.
New Electoral Roll
This year we must create a new Electoral Roll.
If you wish to be included you will need to complete an application form
Paper Copies of the application will be available in church.
There is an online form avaialable here. Online Form
Church Diary